front page content isn’t shown

this note is for admins only
On solari feature image:
Needs a way to embed the cart scheduling.
Can’t use the embed unless it’s media (or image) Maybe could include in other ways?

The video source for goldman – BAD has scripts atached.
The folded links are incredibly costly to put on every page!
That is a ton of characters never looked at but send.
May need better title on blog post in center column

Note the links that are in third column are a large chunk of code that is loaded on every page but invisible unless used. We are paying a penalty in terms of bandwidth at Peer1 for having them always available. Amount wasted = size of links section * (number of page views – number of times someone click to open the links).

Size of links section is about 72500 bytes.
Blog pages viewed yesterday about 53000.
So about 3.8 Gigabytes a day for links used X times a day.
About 115 G/month in the bit bucket