By Catherine

It Is That Simple

I just listened to a wonderful David Icke interview in which he says that solutions are simple. Right now, everyone pretty much acts by asking

By Catherine


For some reason (groan) a very old article is circulating on the internet. It includes an estimate of presidential campaign contributions from the largest states

News & Commentary

Zimbabwe Monetary Policy

The inflation in Zimbabwe is a current example of how monetary bailouts send the price of food and other essentials into the stratosphere. [Click image


Money & Markets

The Corporate Curse – How Business Culture Dragged America Down With It By Sam Smith – Progressive Review (May 2008) Vallejo Votes for Bankruptcy


Money & Markets

The Corporate Curse – How Business Culture Dragged America Down With It By Sam Smith – Progressive Review (May 2008) Vallejo Votes for Bankruptcy



Trilateral Commission: Global Elite Gather in D.C. By James P. Tucker, Jr. – (6 May 2008) Things We Forgot to Remember: BBC Recording About