Science & Technology – Week of 1.09.11

16% of AT&T Customers Plan to Switch to Verizon For Apple’s iPhone – Survey
Apple Insider (13 Jan 11)

Facebook to Show AMBER Alerts (12 Jan 11)

2010 Tied For Earth’s Warmest Year on Record
USA Today (12 Jan 11)

Flipper Bands Can Harm King Penguin Population
NPR (12 Jan 11)

Mount Etna Briefly Erupts on Italy’s Sicily Island
News Wires (12 Jan 11)

Scientists Find Evidence For ‘Chronesthesia,’ or Mental Time Travel (22 Dec 10)

Mobile Broadband Users Seen Hitting 1 billion in 2011
Reuters (11 Jan 11)

Gerald Celente Looks to 2011 Free Energy Breakthroughs as The Beginning of a New Revolution (8 Jan 11)

Weather Radar Shows Something Unusual Around Time Birds Fell (7 Jan 11)