Geopolitical – Week of 1.16.11

GE’s Immelt to Fill Exiting Volcker’s Role on Panel
The New York Times (21 Jan 11)

A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Their Debt Burdens
The New York Times (21 Jan 11)

G.O.P. Bloc Presses Leaders to Slash Even More
The New York Times (20 Jan 11)

FDIC Assures That Creditors, Not Taxpayers, Bear Risk of Failures
Journal of Accountancy (20 Jan 11)

Senate Democrats Push John Boehner on IRS Rule
Politico (20 Jan 11)

Iran Nuclear Talks Begin, Expectations Low
Reuters (20 Jan 11)

Gordon Brown to Warn Against Global Youth Unemployment Epidemic (18 Jan 11)

Nearly 125 Arrested in Sweeping Mob Roundup
The New York Times (20 Jan 11)

50th Anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address; FDR’s 1933 Address
Jesse’s Café Américain (20 Jan 11)

House Backs Repeal of Obama Healthcare Law
Reuters (20 Jan 11)

Six States Seek to Nullify Health Care Bill
Tenth Amendment Center (20 Jan 11)

SEC Gives Congress Three Options for Stronger Investment-Adviser Oversight
Blomberg (20 Jan 11)

More at The Real News

SC Pulls Up Govt on Black Money Issue
The Times of India (19 Jan 11)

Bomb at Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade Sophisticated
Associated Press (18 Jan 11)

House Votes to Repeal Obama’s Health-care Law
MarketWatch (19 Jan 11)

Exclusive: Obama May Cut Social Security, Sanders Tells Raw
The Raw Story (18 Jan 11)

The SEC Just Hired This Woman To Oversee Asset Managers — Guess Which Bank She’s From
Business Insider (18 Jan 11)

TSA Now Forcing Opt-Outs To Walk Through Body Scanners
Prison Planet (18 Jan 11)

Obama’s Rules Revelation
The Wall Street Journal (19 Jan 11)

Obama Launches Rule Review, Pledging to Spur Jobs, Growth
The Wall Street Journal (18 Jan 11)

CNN Poll: No Change on Gun Law Opinions After Arizona Shootings
Politicalticker (17 Jan 11)

Will The US Permit Eminent Domain By Foreign Corporations?
Shenandoah (18 Jan 11)

Pending Legislation in VA Would Give End Use of MERS, Give Borrowers More Foreclosure Defenses
Naked Capitalism (18 Jan 11)

Swiss Lawmakers Angry at Alleged US Spying Program
MyWay (17 Jan 11)

Beijing ‘Sends Troop Contingent’ Into North Korea
The Australian (18 Jan 11)

Fed President Charles Plosser Says Fed Is Helpless To Reverse Sharp Decline in House Prices
Zero Hedge (17 Jan 11)

Wal-Mart Is Not a Person
Truthout (17 Jan 11)

The Fed Has Spoken: No Bailout For Main Street
Web of Debt (12 Jan 11)

Behind Tunisia Unrest, Rage Over Wealth of Ruling Family
The New York Times (14 Jan 11)

Citigroup $45 Billion Rescue Based on `Fear of the Unknown,’ Barofsky Says
Bloomberg (13 Jan 11)

Wisconsin Gov Likes Ill. Tax Hike
Chicago Sun-Times (13 Jan 11)

FBI Targets Critics Of Government With Home Visits After Arizona Shootings
Prison Planet (14 Jan 11)

Here’s The “Execution List” Posted By The Crazed Money Manager Who Threatened To Kill 47 SEC, CFTC And FINRA Members
Business Insider (14 Jan 11)