Geopolitical – Week of 1.23.11

New Irish Govt Can’t Renege on Bailout Deal-ECB
Reuters (27 Jan 11)

From Bullets to Megabytes
The New York Times (26 Jan 11)

US Senate To Reintroduce Internet “Kill Switch” Bill
Fedup Montrealer (27 Jan 11)

Obama’s State of the Union and U.S. Foreign Policy
Stratfor (25 Jan 11)

State of The Union Speech: Obama’s ‘Sputnik Moment’
The Daily Maverick (27 Jan 11)

Policy Split Widening at Bank, Minutes Show
Reuters (26 Jan 11)

Financial Crisis Panel Urges Prosecutions of Industry Figures
Truthout (25 Jan 11)

Rand Paul Reintroduces Audit The Fed Bill, DeMint And Vitter Co-Sponsors
Zero Hedge (26 Jan 11)

Egypt Riots Update: First Casualties Reported As Police Use Live Ammo Against Protesters
Zero Hedge (25 Jan 11)

Healthcare Reform – Abandoning the Self Employed
The Economic Populist (25 Jan 11)

Ventura Strikes Back with Lawsuit Against TSA (25 Jan 11)

Davos: Finding Common Ground in a Complex World [Full news story (requires subscription)]
Financial Times (26 Jan 11)

President Obama Welcomes Chinese President Hu to White House
abc News (19 Jan 11)

Rise of The Red Dragon: China Shapes The World
The (18 Jan 11)

State of Union Near, G.O.P. Draws Line on Spending
The New York Times (23 Jan 11)

High Court Rejects Farmer Who Tangled With Tyson
Yahoo News (24 Jan 11)

Court Tosses Rahm Emanuel Off Chicago Mayoral Ballot
Reuters (24 Jan 11)

News From The Bakken Oil Play in North Dakota
Bakken (22 Jan 11)

Resolution Calling to Amend the Constitution Banning Corporate Personhood Introduced in Vermont
AlterNet (22 Jan 11)

Talks Due on Republic of Ireland Election Date
BBC News (24 Jan 11)

Is It Strange That FEMA Wants to Buy 140 Million Packaged Meals with a Shelf Life Only 36 Months for a Specific Disaster Scenario? (23 Jan 11)

Seymour Hersh Unleashed
Foreign Policy (18 Jan 11)

The War Against The Internet
Brasscheck TV (2 Jan 11)

Too Much of a Bad Thing: Monsanto Did NOT Buy Blackwater
Red Green & Blue (16 Oct 10)

Federal Pay Ahead of Private Industry
USA Today (3 March 10)

Gordon Brown to Warn Against Global Youth Unemployment Epidemic (18 Jan 11)

Federal Mandate Requires Harrisburg to Install New Traffic Signs
abc27 News (14 Jan 11)

Swiss Whistleblower