Science & Technology – Week of 1.23.11

World Business Leaders Told Flying Saucers Are Real & Extraterrestrials Exist
Exo News (25 Jan 11)

Is The World’s Largest Super-volcano Set to Erupt For The First Time in 600,000 Years, Wiping Out Two-thirds of The U.S.?
Mail Online (25 Jan 11)

Jumping off the Wireless Bandwagon – Wifi and You
Watershed Sentinel (Jan/Feb 2011)

Judy Wood – Where Did the Towers Go?
Red Ice Radio (18 Jan 11)

Why You Learn More Effectively by Writing Than Typing
lifehacker (21 Jan 11)

(21 Jan 11)

Porpoises Return to Bay Waters Off Marin For The First Time in Six Decades (21 Jan 11)