Food & Health – Week of 1.23.11

Leaked EPA Document Says Bayer’s
Clothianidin Kills Honey Bees

EarthFiles (2 Nov 10)

Winter Weekend Organic Beekeeping Class
The Commons Brooklyn (5 Feb 11)

Something Fishy at Traders Joe’s?
Sustainable Industries (3 May 10)

BP Genetically Modifying the Gulf of Mexico
Food Freedom (21 Jan 11)

Foodconnect – Robert Pekin 25 Jan 11)

Have Monsanto, Oxfam America, Gates, Rockefeller and More Teamed up to Foist GM onto Africa?
Food Freedom (21 June 09)

Oxfam America Awarded $2 million by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Fight Ethiopian Drought and Food Crisis
Oxf Amamerica (14 Aug 08)

The Philadelphia Orchard Project
(Jan 2011)