3rd Quarter Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Read the Transcript

Read the transcript of 3rd Quarter Wrap Up – News Trends & Stories Part I with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell here (PDF)

Read the Web Presentation

Read the Web Presentation of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up.

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2017-10-12

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Read the Money & Markets Notes

Read the notes from this week’s Money & Markets here (PDF)

Listen to the Money & Markets MP3 audio file

The Solari Report 2017-10-12

Download the Money & Markets audio file

Audio Chapters

Introduction/Theme The theme this week is “Planet Equity: Can Tax Reform and Financial Reform Replace the Missing Money?”.

Money & Markets This week in Money & Markets, Catherine discusses the latest in market movements and geopolitical events.

Hero Our hero this week is Rex Tillerson.

Let’s Go to the Movies! Catherine reviews Ken Burns’ The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.

Discussion Catherine discusses her interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell.

Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.


October 19th – News Trends & Stories Part II with Dr. Joseph Farrell

October 26th – Equity Overview & Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

November 2nd – Control 101

“When you are in the news business, always expect the unexpected.” ~ Helen Thomas

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Last weekend I was on the road, driving to Dr. Farrell’s house for two days of intense conversations about what happened during the 3rd Quarter and what Joseph and I see unfolding before us currently. This was a long road trip – but as you will soon hear – well worth it.

This coming week the Solari Report will publish the first part of this collaboration – covering the accelerating economic, financial and geopolitical change and what it means to you. We also discuss Josephs new book: Hess and the Penguins: the Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess.  This is the next book in Joseph’s amazing series on the Nazis and what their history says about the real governance structure of Planet Earth. We also touch on the Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund.

The following week, in the second part, we cover culture, science & technology, unanswered questions, go local and inspiration.

Make sure to access the News Trends & Stories section of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up web presentation linked from your subscriber links in this commentary published on Thursday. Our web presentation includes:

  • Control 101 – During the last week of the 3rd Quarter Wrap Up roll out, I will publish my overview of how the centralized control systems works. If you want to understand what is happening in the financial markets and geopolitics, it is essential to understand how the people participating in the transactional ecosystems are controlled individually and collectively.
  • News Trends & Stories – Our News Trends & Stories editor Brad Eddins has done an outstanding job of presenting top trends, stories and videos of the 3rd Quarter Economics & Finance, Geopolitics, Culture, Science and Technology, UnAnswered Questions, Go Local and Inspiration.
  • Financial Markets – a roundup of market and commodities charts from the 3nd Quarter.

In Money & Markets, I will discuss the latest financial and geopolitical news.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Ken Burn’s 12-hour, 6-part series The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.  The US government owns a significant amount of land. This land constitutes a national treasure – one that needs to be well and lawfully managed. Agenda 21 (now 30), recent fires and irresponsible activist proposals all suggest another reason to be concerned by monkey business related to US finances and accounting and the efforts to sabotage the US Constitution.

If you are not a subscriber, and would like to be, you can join here.

Talk to you Thursday!

Recent Wrap Ups

Solari Report Wrap Ups are published quarterly. Our goal is to help you stay current and informed with a minimum of your time. We strongly recommend the wealth of resources in the Wrap Up Library, particularly for new subscribers. Start with the Wrap Ups published this  year:

2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017: Enforce the Constitution

Ist Quarter Wrap Up 2107: The Clash of Civilizations

Annual Wrap up 2016 : The Global Harvest

Related Reading

The Missing Money