Wildcards – Week of 11.12.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

The Kennedy Papers: A Ground Zero Exclusive
KXL | 16 November 2017
One of the remaining individuals who…

#PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable
State of the Nation | 14 November 2017
Intersection of bribed CA. judges…

Norwegian Media Goes Berserk, Then Silent, Over Articles by AE911Truth Authors
AE911Truth | 14 November 2017
dubious premise that a scientific…

Discussion of MMS

You Tube | 13 February 2016
Alt Health Revelations…

Slaughterbots Video
Forbidden Knowledge TV | 13 November 2017

YouTube | 13 November 2017
Capable of blowing a targeted person’s…

Australian Aboriginal Symbols Found on Mysterious 12,000-year-old Pillar in Turkey—a Connection that could Shake Up History
Epoc Times | 14 November 2017

7 Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Now Dead Within 1 Month of Attack
WUC News | 04 November 2017
7 Sudden Violent Deaths and Counting…