Money & Markets – Week of 12.11.16

Republican Plans to Cut Corporate Taxes May have Unpleasant Side-Effects
Economist | 17 December 2016
Unintended Consequences…

Former Fed Advisor: State Pensions Time Bomb Spells Disaster For The US
Zero Hedge | 17 December 2016
Laid out in an extensive…

Not Going to Like What One Bank Has to Say About China’s Currency
BI | 16 December 2016
Still extremely…

My Stepfather Left $1 Million to Strangers and Dead People
Market Watch | 16 December 2016
One penny to his…

Stunning Visualization Of The Flow Of International Trade

Zero Hedge | 16 December 2016

Investment Banking in Dallas? Goldman Sachs Spreads Banker Web Beyond New York
Wall Street Journal | 15 December 2016
Aimed at developing…

Disney ‘Forced 250 of Its American IT Workers to Train Up the Indian Workers Who Replaced Them’
Daily Mail | 15 December 2016
Explicit purpose of substituting…

War On Cash Escalates: Australia Proposes Ban On $100 Bill; No Cash Within 10 Years?
Zero Hedge | 14 December 2016
Percentage of transactions…

Mapping the Flow of International Trade
Metro Cosm | 14 December 2016
Click on an individual country…

Federal Reserve Interest-Rate Decision—Live Analysis
Wall Street Journal | 14 December 2016
The Federal Reserve wraps up a two-day meeting Wednesday with new economic forecasts…

Tsipras Will Put Pensioner Bonus to Greek Parliament
BBC | 14 December 2016
Key player in the latest…

Small Business Owners’ Optimism Skyrockets Following Trump Victory
Bloomberg | 13 December 2016
Sales expectations…

Keiser Report: Restoring Faith in Capitalism

YOuTube | 06 December 2016
Second half…Piedmont Biofuels and author of Small is Possible…

The Hidden Toll of Workplace Incivility
McKinsey | 01 December 2016
Causing cultural clashes that…

Individual Income Taxes Set Record in First 2 Months of FY17
CNS News | 12 December 2016
Deficit of…

Key Events In The Coming “Fed Rate-Hike” Week
Zero Hedge | 12 December 2016
Sales and…

Oil Prices Soar To 17-Month High On Non-OPEC Deal, Saudi Surprise
Investors |12 December 2016
Look for signs that…

Dallas Suspends Pension Withdrawals
Armstrong Economics | 12 December 2016
$1.1 billion…

McDonalds Leaves EU For Britain
Armstrong Economics | 12 December 2016
EU taxation is just…

Two Decisions Could Make Big Changes in California’s Public Pension System
Sacramento Bee | 11 December 2016
Fiercely opposed…

Things That Make You Go Hmmm…
Scribd | 11 Decmeber 2016
Grant Williams…