Wildcards – Week of 09.10.17

Getting Past A Wall of Mirrors” To Stop A Coup Already Underway
Exopolitics | 12 November 2016
More Executive Power…

Article In Saudi Daily: U.S. Planned, Carried Out 9/11 Attacks – But Blames Others For Them
MEMI | 18 May 2016
Last year…

New Glacier Forming in California?
Ice Age Now | 12 September 2017
West Coast was above…

Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11.

YouTube | 11 September 2017

Flight Attendant 911 Research…

Here’s What Really Happened on 911 James Perloff
SGT Report | 11 September 2017
More Holes in the Official Story…

Three Years Later and the Mysterious Diappearance of MH 3701 Just Took
Giza Death Star | 11 September 2017
Quick out of the gate with generals…

Retired US Air Force Lieut Col. Karen Kwiatkowski on Alleged US Rescue of ISIS Field Commanders: ‘We Are Rescuing Our Allies’
Sott | 09 September 2017
Seems like they’re not following his orders…