Food & Health – Week of 07.17.16

Health Lessons from the Amish, Mennonites and Other Plain People
Vaccine Reaction | 21 July 2016
Cancer Rates are Low in…

Obamacare-Created Insurers Take the Feds to Court
Governing | 19 July 2016
Aren’t going down without a…

63% of Health Insurers Were Unprofitable in First Full Year of Obamacare Reforms
Free Beacon | 21 July 2016

Our Children are Being Sold to the Pharmaceutical Industry, says Del Bigtree, Producer of Vaxxed
Natural Health 365 | 04 July 2016
Revealed by whistleblower…

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Vaccine Developed by Australian and US Researchers may Reverse Dementia and Alzheimer’s
IB Times | 13 July 2016
Targets tau proteins and…

Solari’s latest donation
Become an Investor in Growing Power
Growing Power | 13 July 2016
To raise $100,000 in monthly donations in…

Farmbot Genesis

Farmbot | 18 July 2016
Humanity’s first open-…

Amish Man Beats Big Brother 4 Times Running
WND | 16 July 2016
Fifth attempt…(?)

One Striking Chart Shows Why Pharma Companies are Fighting Legal Marijuana
Washington Post | 13 July 2016

As the War on Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be the Big Winner?
Ellen Brown | 23 June 2016
Hazards pale compared…