Money & Markets – Week of 9.08.08

Computer Glitch Derails London Stock Exchange
By Julia Werdigier – International Herald Tribune (8 Sep 2008)

FTSE Rally Supported By Banks
By Simon Falush – (8 Sep 2008)

China’s Central Bank Is Short Of Capital
By Keith Bradsher – New York Times (4 Sep 2008)

Recession Probability = 95%
At (8 Sep 2008)

Mind Matters – Cooking The Books, Or, More Sailing Under The Black Flag
By James Montier – Societe Generale (30 Jun 2008)

Five Things You Need to Know: Pimco’s Gross Lets the Freak Out
By Kevin Depew – (4 Sep 2008)

Moscow Forced to Shore Up Rouble
By Charles Clover & Peter Garnham – Financial Times (4 Sep 2008)

Halliburton Ex-Official Pleads Guilty in Brige Case
By Russell Gold – Wall Street Journal (4 Sep 2008)