Money & Markets – Week of 11.30.08

‘Ponzi Scheme’ at Citi: Suit Slams Rubin
NY Post (4 Dec 2008)

ECB Cuts Rates to 2.5% and Mulls ‘Printing Money’
GATA / The Telegraph (4 Dec 2008)

China Urges U.S. to Counter Crisis, Prepares for ‘Worst Case’
Bloomberg (4 Dec 2008)

John Crudele: Market Intervention is Top Financial Story of Our Generation
GATA / NY Post (4 Dec 2008)

Muni Bond Credit Swaps Soar as Credit Crisis Hits Governments
Bloomberg (4 Dec 2008)

Tax-Free Capital Gains Are Here (5 Dec 2008)

Missing Tax Bills
(Note: Scroll down to see this story)


Markets Brace for Big European Rate Cuts
GATA / Financial Times (3 Dec 2008)

Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Fears as China Devalues
GATA / The Telegraph (3 Dec 2008)

Shock and Awe at COMEX (1 Dec 2008)

Auto Union Makes Key Concessions
BBC (4 Dec 2008)

Harvard Endowment Loses 22%
NY Times (3 Dec 2008)

Neighborhoods Propose Printing Their Own Currency To Encourage Local Shopping
The Consumerist (4 Dec 2008)


The Debasement of World Currency: It Is Inflation, But Not As We Know It
Gold Digest (9 April 2001)

Fed Ready to Monetize Debt, Bernanke Says
GATA / Bloomberg (1 Dec 2008)

Credit-Card Industry May Cut $2 Trillion Lines: Analyst
Reuters (1 Dec 2008)

US Treasury 10-Year Credit Default Swaps Hits Record High
Reuters (1 Dec 2008)

Pimco Cancels Dividend Payments for 6 Funds
CNN Money (1 Dec 2008)

Schwarzenegger Declares Fiscal Emergency (1 Dec 2008)

America Must Keep Consumer Liquidity Flowing
Financial Times (30 Nov 2008)

Its Official: National Bureau of Economic Research Says US in Recession
Jesse’s Crossroads Cafe (1 Dec 2008)

China Reserves to Pass $2 Trillion
Bloomberg (28 Nov 2008)

Comparing Bond Income to BMG Bullion Fund Systematic Withdrawals

U.S. Entered Recession December 2007, Panel Says
Yahoo Business (1 Dec 2008)

New Zealand May Cut Key Rate by Record 1.5 Percentage Points
Bloomberg (1 Dec 2008)

Get Ready for a Rough Ride from World Recession, Chinese President Tells Party
The Times (1 Dec 2008)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Commends US and UK Authorities for Following Its Lead
Naked Capitalism (30 Nov 2008)

Questions of Rent Tactics by Private Equity
NY Times (9 May 2008)