Whether your goal is to transform our world, end corruption or protect your assets from the Tapeworm, the time has come to consider taking physical delivery of our stock certificates. It appears that Wall Street is selling a lot more securities than really exist. We need to start asking and answering the question, what happens if the game of musical chairs stops?
I have reported on similar types of fraud in the mortgage markets. Jim Puplava’s broadcast on March 31 on Financial Sense Newshour covers Naked Short Selling with Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Overstock.com. Byrne has done an outstanding job of documenting these practices in the stock market. I have previously posted a link to his internet presentation as well as an article on his efforts to have these practices outlawed in Utah.
Financial Sense Newshour — March 31 Broadcast
One of the advantages of taking physical delivery of your stock certificates is that you have a chance of actually getting your annual stock proxy, including getting it in time to understand the issues being voted on, to vote and to attend the annual meeting. If we all invested in small cap stocks, took physical delivery and then took the time to understand what our company was doing and to participate and support excellent management in a positive manner — this would be a much better world. Think of it as another of hundreds of steps that we are taking as we navigate to a financially intimate world.