Top Picks ~ Week of April 30, 2007

9/11 and the Evidence
By Paul Craig Roberts – Information Clearing House (Mar 27, 2007)

The Growth Consensus Unravels
By Jonathan Rowe – dollars&sense (Jul-Aug 1999)

Australia Suffers Worst Drought in 1,000 Years
By John Vidal – GuardianUnlimited (Nov 8, 2006)

Dixie Chicks – Shut up & Sing
The Movie

Beijing Fund Pulls Back from China Stock Market
By James T. Areddy – Wall Street Journal (Apr 27, 2007)

Vermonters’ Support for Secession Increases Dramatically
Second Vermont Republic – Green Mountain Independence Movement

Super-Imperalism: The Shameful Legacy of Liberal Democrats
By Carolyn Baker – (May 1, 2007)

Feds Accuse E-Gold of Money Laundering, Unlicensed Banking
Chris Powell submission – GATA (Apr 29, 2007)

Lie. Conceal. Fabricate. Stephen Harper’s $35billion Income Trust Scandal
From the Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors

Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
By Gunther Latsch – Spiegel Online (Mar 22, 2007)

Iran, China and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Need to register to see full article.
By Andrea Crandall – Sanders Research (Apr 19, 2007)

In a Major Step, Saudi Arabia Agrees to Write Off 80% of Iraqi Debt
By Steven Mufson & Robin Wright – Washington Post (Apr 18, 2007)

Government Trust Fund and Deficit/Surplus Report
By Michael Hodges – Grandfather Economic Report Series

Barrick’s Dirty Secrets: Communities Respond to Gold Mining’s Impacts Worldwide
CorporateWatch (May 1, 2007)

Membership by Inheritance Only Need to register to see full article.
By Linda Minor – Sanders Research (Apr 30, 2007)

European Junk Bond Supply Grows Dramatically
By David Oakley & Saskia Scholtes – Financial Times, London (May 2, 2007)

Blanchard Research: Central Banks are Biggest Factors in Gold Market
Submitted by Chris Powell – GATA (May 2, 2007)

Hedge Fund Risk Worst Since LTCM Crash, Fed Report Says
By Pedro Nicolaci da Costa – Reuters (May 2, 2007)

Increased Central Bank Gold Sales No Reason for Concern
By Jon A. Nones – ResourceInvestor (May 2, 2007)