Money & Markets – 7.14.2008

Money Supply (MZM) at 17 Jul 2008
St. Louis Federal Reserve Report

~ Previous blog posts on MZM: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Frank Backs Linking Rescue Plan to U.S. Debt Limit
By Brian Faler – (17 Jul 2008)

DR Trading Turnover at Record Highs
By Anette Jönsson – (17 Jul 2008)

Short Sale Rule Change Sparks Confusion on Wall St.
By Emily Chasan – Reuters (16 Jul 2008)

Crony Image Dogs Paulson’s Rescue Effort
By Robert Novak – Chicago Sun-Times (17 Jul 2008)

Naked Fines
By Liz Moyer – (13 Sep 2006)

How Much Oil It’d Take to Buy the U.S.
By Scott Burns – MSN Money (16 Jul 2008)

Goldman Accused of Spreading Rumours About Rivals
By Stephen Foley – The Independent (17 Jul 2008)

U.S. Faces Global Funding Crisis, Merrill Lynch Warns
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (16 Jul 2008)

Bartering Gains Steam
An NPR audio file (16 Jul 2008)

Fed to Lend to Freddie, Fannie; Treasury May Buy Their Shares
By Jeannine Aversa – Associated Press (13 Jul 2008)

U.S. Government May Buy Freddie Debt if Banks Won’t
By Jeffrey H. Birnbaum & Steve Mufson – Washington Post (13 Jul 2008)

How Will the Federal Reserve Be Reshaped?
Byh Jerome Idaszak – The Kiplinger Letter (7 Jul 2008)

A Scandal Unfolds, and the Media Mob Scampers
By Mark Mitchell – (11 Jul 2008)