Top Picks ~ Week of May 21, 2007

The Era of China
Sprott Asset Management (Apr 2007)

Welcome to Speed Trap Exchange
List of Top Ten Speed Traps in the US

Goldman Puts New Meaning into the Word ‘Private’
Financial Times – London (May 24, 2007)

Bank of New York Sued by Russian Customs for $22Bln for Money Laundering
By Anatoly Medetsky & Miriam Elder – Moscow Times (May 18, 2007)

Chinese Businesses Fear Closure if Yuan Continues to Rise
By Joe Mcdonald – AP (May 20, 2007)

China to Buy 10% Stake in Blackstone While Yielding Voting Rights
By Francesco Guerrera – Financial Times, London (May 20, 2007)

BOC’s Dodge: Single North American Currency Could be Possible
By Stephen Wisnefski – (May 21, 2007)

MineWeb: Much Dehedging in 1st Q, a Lot More to Come
By Rhoona O’Connell – MineWeb (May 21, 2007)

Australia’s Drought Puts Squeeze on Mining
By Elisabeth Behrman – Wall Street Journal (May 21, 2007)

Derivatives Grow Explosively, BIS Reports
By Hamish Risk – Bloomberg News (May 21, 2007)

Pilotless Police Drone Takes Off
BBC News (May 21, 2007)

Ron Paul’s YouTube Channel – May 21, 2007
As of 6:01pmET today, Congressman Ron Paul’s YouTube channel has 8,000 subscribers; giving Dr. Paul a commanding first-place position among all presidential candidates. Senator Barack Obama remains in second place with 5,749 subscribers.

Blanchard Note: Record Central Bank Gold Sales Offset Miners’ Dehedging
By Chris Powell – GATA (May 22, 2007)

The White House Navigates a Falling Dollar
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive —
National Continuity Policy

Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet
By Cornelia Dean – New York Times (May 22, 2007)

Long Creek Herbs – Nail Fungus Soak

Hydroelectric Power is Renewable Energy [Sign in to read full article]
By Carlton Meyer – Sanders Research (May 22, 2007)

Trickle of Chinese Money Could Become Investment Food
By Florian Gimbel – Financial Times, London (May 21, 2007)