Money & Markets – Week of 9.22.08

China Asks Local Lenders Not To Lend to U.S. Banks: Report
By V. Phani Kumar – MarketWatch (24 Sep 2008)

China Stops Its Banks From Lending to U.S. Banks
By Jane Cai and Adam Chen – South China Morning Post (25 Sep 2008)

Goldman Shares Got Suspicious Boost Just Before Buffett Bid
By Kristina Cooke – Reuters (24 Sep 2008)

Does U.S. Face A Run On Its Currency?
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (23 Sep 2008)

Treasuries Lose Appeal for Asian, European Investors
By Daniel Kruger & Kyoungwha Kim – Bloomberg News (24 Sep 2008)

American Must Rescue the Bonuses at Goldman Sachs
By Michael Lewis – (24 Sep 2008)

Bailout Can’t Hide It: The Country Is Busted
By Chris Powell – GATA (25 Sep 2008)

Paulson Facilitates Insider Trading
By John Crudele – New York Post (25 Sep 2008)

Fury at $2.5bn Bonus for Lehman’s New York Staff
By David Prosser – The Independent (22 Sep 2008)

Retirees Filling the Front Line in Market Fears
By John Leland & Louis Uchitelle – New York Times (22 Sep 2008)

Money Central – Advice You Can Bank On
Compiled by Rebecca O’Connor – Times Online (27 Nov 2007)

Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States
Federal Reserve Statistical Release – Second Quarter 2008

Press Release – Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
(14 Sep 208)

U.S. Treasury Widens Scope of Plan to Buy Bad Debt
By Dawn Kopecki – (21 Sep 2008)

Australia Bans Short Selling
By Iain McDonald – Wall Street Journal, Asia (21 Sep 2008)

Financial Crisis: Default By the U.S. Government Is No Longer Unthinkable
By Liam Halligan – London Telegraph (21 Sep 2008)

Hedge Funds Plan to Sue FSA Over Short-Selling Ban
By Louise Armistead – London Telegraph (20 Sep 2008)

60% Say U.S. Economy Is Not Fundamentally Sound
Rasmussen Reports (19 Sep 2008)

Sue Them, Jail Them, Make Them Pay for Meltdown
By Ann Woolner – (19 Sep 2008)

Paulson’s Focus on ‘Excesses’ Shows Goldman Gorged
By Mark Pittman – (5 Nov 2008)

Paulson Bailout Plan a Historic Swindle
By William Greider – The Nation (19 Sep 2008)

Bank of China Buys Into Rothschild Bank (19 Sep 2008)

Free Market Ideology is Far From Finished
By Naomi Klein – (19 Sep 2008)