Money & Markets – Week of 11.09.08

Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
Federal Reserve Statistical Release (13 Nov 2008)

Thanks to The King Report –  As of Wednesday, the Fed holds $2.249 trillion of paper. This is an increase of $142.371 billion on the week and $1.3326 trillion year-to-year.

Really Scary Fed Charts: NOV, US Bankrupt?
The Financial Ninja (11 Nov 2008)

US Long-Term Jobless at 25-year High
The Telegraph (14 Nov 2008)

Dollar Peg to Gold Seen Unlikely from G20 Meeting
GATA / Reuters (14 Nov 2008)

Chris Powell: Gold and Silver Market Manipulation Update
GATA (14 Nov 2008)


China Reported Planning Big Shift of FX Reserves into Gold
GATA / The Standard (14 Nov 2008)

Vindication for CFTC Chairman Who Wanted to Regulate Derivatives
GATA (13 Nov 2008)

US May Lose Its ‘AAA’ Rating
CNBC (10 Nov 2008)

Federal Reserve Press Release: Meeting the Needs of Creditworthy Borrowers
Federal Reserve System (12 Nov 2008)

Fed Delays Its Big Plan to Shore Up Money Funds
Wall Street Journal (11 Nov 2008)

Boehner Demands Fed Identify Recipients of Loans
Bloomberg (12 Nov 2008)

Lobbyists Swarm the Treasury for Piece of Bailout Pie
NY Times (11 Nov 2008)

Orlov’s Stages of Collapse
Carolyn Baker

Abandon All Hope Once You Enter Deflation
GATA / The Telegraph (12 Nov 2008)


Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose
Bloomberg (10 Nov 2008)

Russia Signals Depreciation of Ruble
GATA / Financial Times (11 Nov 2008)

Bailout Price Tag: $3.5T So Far, But ‘Real’ Cost May Be Much Higher
Yahoo Finance (12 Nov 2008)

The Carbon Racket
Sanders Research (11 Nov 2008)

Beijing to Pump 4 Trillion Yuan Into Economy to Offset Fall in Exports
The Guardian (11 Nov 2008)


A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks
Washington Post (10 Nov 2008)

Fed’s Bank Loans Look Like Secret Patronage
GATA / Bloomberg (10 Nov 2008)

News Agency Sues Fed for Look at Collateral for Loans to Banks
GATA / Bloomberg (07 Nov 2008)

Treasury Is Working To Widen the Rescue
Washington Post (11 Nov 2008)

Goldman Urged Bets Against California Bonds it Helped Sell
GATA / LA Times (11 Nov 2008)

The Great American Housing Nightmare: Next Phase
Money and (11 Nov 2008)

Harvard Prepares for Financial Strains
Wall Street Journal (11 Nov 2008)