Money & Markets – Week of 10.9.11

California’s 20-Year Revenue Bonds for Prisons Sell for 5.34%
Bloomberg (14 Oct 11)

Foreigners Dump $74 Billion In Treasurys In 6 Consecutive Weeks: Biggest Sequential Outflow In History
Zero Hedge (13 Oct 11)

SolarShare Bonds Let Citizens Make Money by Financing Local Solar
Renewable Energy (10 Oct 11)

Swaps Market Links EU and U.S. in Debt Crisis, Gensler Says
Bloomberg (13 Oct 11)

China Export Growth Dwindles to Slowest Pace in Seven Months as Yuan Gains
Bloomberg (13 Oct 11)

Michigan Pension Changes May Be Model for Struggling States
Bloomberg Business (11 Oct 11)

Goldman, Morgan Stanley May Shed ‘Bank’ Status: Analyst
Yahoo Finance (12 Oct 11)

Foreign Central Banks Selling US Treasuries at Unprecendented Levels
Financial Sense (11 Oct 11)

Volcker Rule Gets FDIC Approval
CNN Money (11 Oct 11)

Bank of America Customer Delivers 153,000 Signatures in Petition Over Fee
ABC News (6 Oct 11)

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks
AlterNet (7 Oct 11)

Bank Transfer Day

Not To Be Left Out, China Announces Its Own Bank And Stock Market Bail Out
Zero Hedge (10 Oct 11)

Short Selling Rises Most Since 2006
Bloomberg (10 Oct 11)

Trichet Throws Away Script Reminding American Skeptics Euro Built to Last
Bloomberg (10 Oct 11)

Special Report: In France, Far Right Capitalizes on Euro Crisis
Yahoo News (7 Oct 11)

PrimeX – The Time For The Next “Subprime Trade” Has Come
Zero Hedge (7 Oct 11)