Geopolitical – Week of 10.9.11

The Federal Reserve Plans To Monitor Facebook, Twitter, Google News
Fast Company (11 Oct 11)

Georgia Considers Replacing Firefighters With Free Prison Laborers
Truthout (13 Oct 11)

U.S. Challenged to Explain Accusations of Iran Plot in the Face of Skepticism
The New York Times (12 Oct 11)

Fox Poll Backfires on Fox
Daily KOS (11 Oct 11)

Topeka, Kansas Decriminalizes Spousal Abuse
RT (12 Oct 11)

Topeka DA Will Prosecute Domestic Violence After All
ABC News (12 Oct 11)

Alan Grayson Schools P.J. O’Rourke on OWS
Video Cafe (8 Oct 11)

UCS Nuclear Power Safety & Security Recommendations
Union of Concerned Scientists

Brad Meltzer’s Decoded – Season Premiere Videos (5 Oct 11)

Secret U.S. Memo Made Legal Case to Kill a Citizen
The New York Times (8 Oct 11)

Street News Service

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill
The Huffington Post (7 Oct 11)

Exclusive: Computer Virus Hits U.S. Drone Fleet
Wired (7 Oct 11)