Top Picks ~ Week of October 15, 2007

Scenes From the Fringe
By Russ Alan Prince – Private Wealth (5 Aug 2007)

New VNR Catches Prove the Fake TV News Problem Continues
Press Release: Center for Media & Democracy (11 Oct 2007)

Al Gore’s Oscar Award Should be Rescinded
Press Release: NZ Centre for Political Debate – Scoop Independent News (12 Oct 2007)

Al Gore’s Inconvenient Judgment
By Lewis Smith – Times Online (11 Oct 2007)

Southern California to Ration Water Next Year
Associated Press (11 Oct 2007)

Big Banks Push $100 Billion Plan to Avert Crunch
By Carrick Mollenkamp, et al – Wall Street Journal (13 Oct 2007)

Commodities Will Move Out of Pricing in Dollars, Fund Manager Says
By Pratima Desai – Reuters (12 Oct 2007)

A Scramble for Exposure to Global Inflation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (15 Oct 2007)

Local Carrots With a Side of Red Tape
By Kim Severson – New York Times (17 Oct 2007)

Banks and US Treasury Discuss $100 Billion Support Fund (13 Oct 2007)

Larry King Interviews Vicente Fox, Former President of Mexico – Larry King Live (8 Oct 2007)

Amero Plot Real, Says Biz Columnist
Global Research (12 Oct 2007)

James Watson’s Wisdom
Steve Colt’s Blog (12 Sep 2007)

New Treasury Documents Reveal Loans, Swaps of US Gold
By Chris Powell – GATA (16 Oct 2007)

‘Stunning’ Flight From the Dollar Led By Japan and China
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (16 Oct 2007)

The Hunt for Black October
By Matthew Rees – The American (10 Sep 2007)

Old US Mint in New Orleans Reopens Saturday With Gold Exhibits
By Stacey Plaisance – Associated Press (16 Oct 2007)

US Commercial Paper Rises for Second Straight Week
By Mark Pittman – (11 Oct 2007)

Treasury Sales May Rise 50% as Deficit Suddenly Grows
By Elizabeth Stanton – (15 Oct 2007)

Welcome to the Tax Merry-Go-Round
Chicago Tribune (13 Oct 2007)

Hedge Fund Faces ‘Hormone’ Harassment Suit
By Andrew Clark – Guardian Unlimited (12 Oct 2007)

America to Press for Restrictions on Potent Soverign Wealth Funds
By Leo Lewis & Gary Duncan – Times Online (15 Oct 2007)

Paulson is Pressured by G-7 Demands to Aid Dollar, Credit Markets
By Rich Miller & Simon Kennedy – Bloomberg News (15 Oct 2007)

Think Happy Stuff
Good stuff for our world!

What the World Eats – Part 1

Billions Over Baghdad
By Donald L. Bartlett & James B. Steele – Vanity Fair (Oct 2007)

Svalbard Global Seed Vault
From Wikipedia

The Radiation Poisoning of America
By Amy Worthington – Global Research (9 Oct 2007)