Recent Webstats

I just returned from Anchorage, Alaska. What a wonderful place filled with wonderful people.

The following enterprises in Alaska/relevant to Alaska government and investment flows or mentioned in my radio shows or speech/workshop at Bioneers in Alaska are among the website users at and over the last seven days. They are listed in order of most to least usage.

Sounds to me that when Bioneers in Alaska talk, people listen.


State of Alaska – Department of Administration
State of Alaska – Department of Transportation
Alaska State Legislature
US Department of Interior – Bureau of Land Management
Alaska Housing Finance Corp
Institute of Defense Analyses
US Air Force
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – US Dept of Commerce
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
US Department of Energy
US Fish & Wildlife Service
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska
US Military Academy – West Point

DUNWALKE.COM (Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the
Aristocracy of Stock Profits)

US Coast Guard
Bank of America
US Department of Interior – Bureau of Land Management
State of Alaska – Department of Administration
JP Morgan Chase
Natural Resources Defense Council
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Goldman Sachs
US Army
Wells Fargo
US Senate