Letter to the Editor

Editor, The Nation

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On February 13th, you published “The Peterson Foundation Responds” by David Walker, CEO of The Peterson Foundation (See Peterson Foundation Tax ReturnPete Peterson), a response to William Greider’s excellent article, “Looting Social Security.”

While David Walker served as the chief auditor to the US Congress, the US government consistently failed to comply with laws requiring audited financial statements and over $4 trillion went missing from the US government. Mr. Walker made no effort to identify funds missing and get them back. He failed to honor his commitments to publish the names of government contractors associated with these losses.

In short, David Walker watched while trillions of transactions continued for years that had not been authorized by appropriations and continued to draw a paycheck and enjoy the benefits of his position.

I can think of no person less qualified to comment on William Greider’s work or to help us determine how to achieve financial responsibility then the auditor who was well paid to give speeches while our wealth was stolen.

Sincerely Yours,

Catherine Austin Fitts Solari, Inc. Assistant Secretary of Housing, George H. W. Bush Administration

See also at Catherine’s Blog: Looting Social Security