Money & Markets – Week of 1.15.12

Cash-strapped Ireland Tests Limits of Austerity
Yahoo News (19 Jan 12)

Plan B – How to Loot Nations and Their Banks Legally
Golem XIV (15 Dec 11)

Why Don’t People Move To Opportunity?
The Slate (18 Jan 12)

Egan Jones Downgrades Germany From AA To AA-
Zero Hedge (18 Jan 12)

Decentralization Is The Only Plausible Economic Solution Left (17 Jan 12)

Do College Grads Earn Less Now Than 40 Years Ago?
The New York Times (12 Jan 12)

Saudi, Chinese Oil Giants Ink Joint Refinery Deal
Breitbart (14 Jan 12)

Iran: Oh, No; Not Again
Chris Martenson (11 Jan 12)

Jamie’s Fightin’ Words JPMorgan Chief Slams Feds After 23% profit Drop
The New York Post (15 Jan 12)

Der Verkauf Ist Verboten – Germany Considers Ban On Sovereign Bond Sales
Zero Hedge (14 Jan 12)

The $U.S. Dollar Centric Derivatives Complex: Progenitor of Parasitic, Ponzi Price-Fixing
Gold Seek (13 Jan 12)

Reviewing Due Diligence Procedures: Learning From Muddy Waters
Seeking Alpha (13 Jan 12)