Money & Markets – Week of 4.8.12

Apple Is About To Be Worth More Than All The Companies In Spain, Portugal And Greece COMBINED
Business Insider (11 April 12)

Iran Escalates Again, Cuts Off Oil Shipments To Spain
Zero Hedge (10 April 12)

A Dallas Pension Bets Big on Real Estate
Star-Telegram (7 April 12)

What’s Keeping the Gold Shares Down, and What Can we do About it?
GATA (10 April 12)

US Needs To Generate 262K Jobs Each Month To Get Back To Breakeven
Zero Hedge (6 April 12)

The Fable of the Century
Robert Reich (5 April 12)

Small Banks Shift Charters to Avoid U.S. as Regulator
The New York Times (2 April 12)