A Passion for Privacy with Katherine Albrecht – November 15

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The Solari Report 2012-08-30

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Audio Chapters

1. Introduction & Up-coming Events – 0:00

Subscribers’ Luncheon in Murfreesboro, Tennessee – December 1, 2012

2. Theme – 2:21 It Ain’t About Sex

3. Money & Markets – 4:34 In Money & Markets, Catherine gives her take on the sex scandal resignations of several high U.S. officials, the Benghazi situation, global leadership changes, as well as discusses several other important pieces to the puzzle..

4. Hero – 17:56 Our hero this week is also our guest: activist and author, Dr. Katherine Albrecht

5. Ask Catherine – 18:45 Catherine answers subscribers’ questions pertaining to President Obama’s re-election and the resignation of many high officials in the wake of sex scandals.

6. Interview – 22:10 Catherine talks with privacy expert and enthusiast Dr. Katherine Albrecht about RFID chipping, our “cell” phones, Google’s access to our private lives, and how we can guard our privacy.

7. Let’s Go to the Movies! – 47:47 Catherine reviews the wonderful documentary, Catherine reviews Katherine Albrecht’s documentary, Shadow Government

8. Closing – 1:24:54

The Solari offices are closed for Thanksgiving

Nov. 29th – Jon Rappoport is back for a special report

Dec 6th Chuck Gibson & Melanie Pelayo join us for “Your Taxes in 2013?

By Catherine Austin Fitts

This Thursday, I will be speaking with author and activist Katherine Albrecht. Katherine is simply amazing – her ability to understand, articulate and communicate the invasive uses of new, invisible technology and to suggest practical solutions to protect our personal privacy is without parallel. Her efforts to champion our privacy rights have made a critical difference. Katherine is one of our heroes – someone we recommend for your support.

I will start with Money and Markets and Ask Catherine. Keep those great questions coming – post your questions  for both Katherine and Catherine on the blog.

In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Shadow Government, a documentary that explores the secretive and dangerous world of domestic and international surveillance. It makes invisible technology visible in a very dramatic way and features great interviews with Katherine Albrecht.

Talk to you Thursday!