Killing With Impunity

By Catherine Austin Fitts

The ability to kill with impunity is the power that runs the planet today. Assassination is an ancient craft.
Killing successfully for political purposes in the modern state is highly dependent on the lone assassin and the
lone crazy killer. The Western tradition of assassination traces back to the knowledge brought back from Middle Eastern during the Crusades about how to use mind control practices to create the perfect assassin. Understanding how these killers are created, branded and “sold” is essential for understanding modern events.

One of my subscribers recommended David McGowan’s book, “Programmed to Kill: the Politics of Serial Murder” to me and I read this week. McGowan focuses more attention on the history of serial killers and includes signficant material on pedophilia and control files as well. His insights on the extent to which a subtle version of the Phoenix Program used by the US intelligence agencies to terrorize the local population in Viet Nam has been used to engineer support for greater enforcement and controls of US population are particularly valuable:

“The goals of psychological warfare are no different here at home than they were in Southeast Asia or Central America: to scare the people, in this case the American people, into willingly surrendering their rights and accepting ever increasing levels of repression; and to desensitize the people to horrendous levels of interpersonal violence.
The ultimate goal, and one that we are rapidly approaching, is the destruction of all social bonds and the obliteration of any remaining sense of community – the complete atomization of society.”

McGowan’s book makes an important contribution to making sense of a surprising amount of seemingly random and senseless killing in our world. Combined with the compelling statistics that document that guns do a remarkable job of protecting honest citizens from violence, this book will explain one of the reasons that many Americans rightly believe they need to own and be trained to use semiautomatic firearms.

Programmed To Kill

Related Reading:

Books by David McGowan

Secret, Don’t Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism

The Assassins