Top Picks ~ Week of January 14, 2008

Money & Markets

FBI Wants Instant Access to British Identity Data
By Owen Bowcott – The Guardian (15 Jan 2008)

Citigroup’s Hopes for Investment From Chinese Bank Hit a Snag
By Eric Dash – International Herald Tribune (14 Jan 2008)

Shareholder Suits Against Vendors, Banks Limited by High Court
By Greg Stohr – (15 Jan 2008)

The U.S. Supreme Court put new limits on shareholders suits against a company’s banks and business partners in a ruling that may hinder efforts to recoup billions of dollars lost in frauds at Enron Corp. and HealthSouth Corp.

The justices, voting 5-3, threw out a lawsuit by Charter Communications Inc. shareholders against two of the cable company’s suppliers, Motorola Inc. and Scientific-Atlanta Inc. The court said the shareholders didn’t show that they relied on the alleged deception by the suppliers in making investment decisions.

The case is Stoneridge v. Scientific-Atlanta, 06-43.

Click here for a copy of the decision.

Fed Has Little Room to Keep Cutting Rates, European Central Banker Warns
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (14 Jan 2008)

Anna Schwartz Blames Fed for Sub-prime Crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (13 Jan 2008)

Saudi State Bank Urges Govt to Cut Dollar Exposure
Reuters (13 Jan 2008)

Cleveland Sues 21 Lenders Over Subprime Mortgages
By Christopher Maag – New York Times (12 Jan 2008)



See City of Cleveland Press Release for a list of lenders.

Click the image to view the entire Complaint.

On the left: From a Case Western Reserve Study
On the right: From the Plain Dealer ~ Data source, City of Cleveland

Moody’s Says Overspending Threatens US Debt Rating
By Francesco Guerrera, et al – Financial Times, London (10 Jan 2008)

Morgan Rewards Former PM Blair with +$1 Million Per Year
By David Wighton – Financial Times, London (9 Jan 2008)

Warren Buffett and the Insurance Case
By David Litterick – London Telegraph (7 Jan 2008)

Chinese Investors Favor Gold But Fear Futures
By Alfred Cang & Lucy Hornby – Reuters (7 Jan 2008)

Emergency Measures Loom as Bush Hauls Out The PPT
Bush Can Buy Time As Property Bubble Bursts
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (7 Jan 2008)

James Turk: $53 Trillion and Growing
By Chris Powell – GATA (9 Jan 2008)

Precious Metals

Gold Futures Fly High in Shanghai Market [Must register to view full article.]
By Javier Blas & Chris Flood – Financial Times, London (9 Jan 2008)

Long-Term Reasons to Buy Gold
By James Turk – The Peninsula (Doha, Qatar) (3 Jan 2008)

Central Banks Long Have Been Rigging Gold Market, Paul Declares
By Chris Powell – GATA (9 Jan 2008)

China Expects Much From Gold Futures Trading in Shanghai
By Wang Lan – China Daily, Beijing (9 Jan 2008)

Food & Health

Eat Well Guide – Wholesome Food From Health Animals

Welcome to Tescopoly
An allegiance of organizations concerned with the negative impacts of supermarket power

Murray’s Cheese Shop

The Film About Vaccines You Simply Must See

“Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic – Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO Giants Know Something We Don’t
By F. William Engdahl – Global Research (4 Dec 2007)

Forget Oil, The New Global Crisis is Food
By Alla McMullen – Financial Post (7 Jan 2008)


Can’t Get Enough Oprah? Wait a Few Years [Must subscribe to read full article.]
By Sam Schechner – Wall Street Journal (16 Jan 2008)
~ View the Press Release at

Protect Our Waters ~ Mount Shasta

Dos and Don’ts for ‘Idol’ Hopefuls
By Larry Carroll –

Schools Try New Approach to Detention
By Beth Quimby – Kennebec Journal (14 Jan 2008)

Banksy – Graffiti in the UK

The Case Against Traffic Lights
By Martin Cassini – BBC News (14 Jan 2008)

AT&T and Other I.S.P.’s May Be Getting Ready to Filter
By Brad Stone – New York Times (8 Jan 2008)



Why is Iran Still in the Cross-Hairs? Clues From the Project For a New American Century
By Ellen Brown – (9 Jan 2008)

The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century
By F. WIlliam Engdahl – (16 Jan 2008)

Twenty-five US Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11
By Alan Miller – (14 Jan 2008)

Fewer Cocaine Shipments Stopped in 2007
By Robert Burns – Associated Press (14 Jan 2008)

European Press: It Wasn’t a Miracle — Hillary Won Via a Rigged Vote
By Michael Carmichael – Global Research (14 Jan 2008)

New ID Rules May Complicate Air Travel
By Devlin Barrett – ABC News (12 Jan 2008)

Civic-Minded Milennials Prepared to Reward or PUnish Companies Based on Committment to Social Causes
Press Release from Cone LLC

Kucinich Asks for Recount of the New Hampshire Primary Results
At the Velvet Revolution (10 Jan 2008)

Wesley Snipes to Go on Trial in Tax Case
By David Cay Johnston – New York Times (14 Jan 2008)

EADS Moves Into US Defence Market
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (12 Jan 2008)

Daily Voting News for January 9, 2008
By John Gideon – Scoop Independent News

Fox Under Fire for Excluding Ron Paul (6 Jan 2008)

For Sale: West’s Deadly Nuclear Secrets
By Chris Gourlay, et al – Financial Times Online (6 Jan 2008)

Stonewalled by the CIA
By Thomas H. Kean & Lee H. Hamilton – New York Times (2 Jan 2008)

McGovern: Impeach Bush, Cheney Now
CBS News (6 Jan 2008)