Precious Metals – Week of 4.07.13

Unencumbered Gold
TF Metals Report | 11 April 2013
After yesterday’s nearly 17 metric ton withdrawal, it is becoming increasingly clear…

Gold, Long a Secure Investment, Loses Its Luster
The New York Times | 10 April 2013
Below the streets of Lower Manhattan, in the vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York…

Trust in Gold Not Bernanke as U.S. States Promote Bullion
Bloomberg | 08 April 2013
Distrust of the Federal Reserve and concern that U.S. dollars may become worthless are fueling a push…

Goldman Sachs Says It’s Time to Short Gold
Yahoo! Finance | 10 April 2013
Goldman Sachs downgraded its 2013 price target for gold and advised investors to short the precious metal…