Money & Markets – Week of 10.04.09

The Treasury Department Endorses Lying To The Public
Zero Hedge (07 Oct 09)

Asian Central Banks Intervene as Dollar Tumbles
The Wall Street Journal (08 Oct 09)

Ohmigod! Commodity Investors Might Have To Buy … Actual Commodities!
GATA (06 Oct 09)

China Calls Time on Dollar Hegemony (06 Oct 09)

“The Dollar Funds America’s Wars”
Russia Today (06 Oct 09)

The Dollar: It Would Take a Revolution to Overthrow The Greenback
Financial Times (05 Oct 09)

Profits for Buyout Firms as Company Debt Soared
The New York Times (04 Oct 09)

The Demise of The Dollar
The Independent (06 Oct 09)

Saudi Central Bank Chief Backs Dollar, Cites Its ‘Convenience’ (06 Oct 09)

Confidential Memos Indicate Oil SDR Pricing Shift Would Be “Most Damaging” To United States And Precipitate “Serious Market Reaction”
Zero Hedge (06 Oct 09)

New York Income Tax Revenue Falls 36% in Year, Paterson Says (06 Oct 09)

Short-Selling Vs. Naked Short-Selling: An Explanation
Rolling Stone (06 Oct 09)

Fed Should Release Borrowers’ Names, Bloomberg Says (Update2) (06 Oct 09)

Joseph Stiglitz Calls For Tobin Tax on All Financial Trading Transactions (05 Oct 09)

Fujii May ‘Take Action’ on Yen; G-7 Seeks ‘Stability’ (Update1) (06 Oct 09)

U.S. Job Losses May Be Even Larger, Model Breaks Down (Update1) (06 Oct 09)

U.S. Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits: Chart of Day (06 Oct 09)

“Too Big to Fail” Must End For All: FDIC Chief
Reuters (04 Oct 09)

The Mystery Investor Who is Turning The Tin Market on Its Head (04 Oct 09)

Goldman to be Paid $1bn if CIT fFils
Financial Times (04 Oct 09) [Must subscribe to read full article.]

MF Told to Aid Orderly Exit From Stimulus
Financial Times (04 Oct 09) [Must subscribe to read full article.]

The Cost of Saving These Whales
The New York Times (03 Oct 09)

Consumer Bankruptcies Soar in September
Reuters (02 Oct 09)

On the Edge with Max Keiser – 02 October (part 1)
YouTube (02 Oct 09)

On the Edge with Max Keiser – 02 October 2009 – (part 2)
YouTube (02 Oct 09)

World Bank Could ‘Run Out of Money’ Within 12 Months (02 Oct 09)

Great Myths of the Great Depression

Mackinac Center (Sept 2005)

On the Edge with Max Keiser – 02 October (part 1)
YouTube (02 Oct 09)

Fed Draws Court’s Eyes in Lehman Bankruptcy
The Wall Street Journal (05 Oct 09)

Banks Have Us Flying Blind on Depth of Losses: Jonathan Weil (05 Oct 09)

U.S. Job Losses May Be Even Larger, Model Breaks Down (Update1) (05 Oct 09)

Partial Transcript of Fitts Coast to Coast Interview on Black Budget in 2005
Wall Street Bear Discussion (03 Oct 09)

Early Retirements Mean it is Worse Than 9.8% Unemployment
Daily Mail (03 Oct 09)

Personal Bankruptcy Filings Soar
The Wall Street Journal (02 Oct 09)

Treasury Completes 2 Troubled-Asset Deals
Deal Book (01 Oct 09)

US Secretly Tried to Make Deal With Goldman Sachs in Wake of Financial Crisis
The Raw Story (30 Sept 09)

Bank May Have Lost Grandma’s Money (30 Sept 09)

The Group of Twenty & The Evolution of Global Governance
News With Views (28 Sept 09)