Food & Health – Week of 06.16.13

Official: Water Complaints Could be ‘Act of Terrorism’
USA Today | 21 June 2013
Residents who say children have become ill from drinking water says state is attempting to silence its critics…

The Genetically Modified Burrito: Chipotle Tells All
Bloomberg | 18 June 2013
If you’re horrified by the prospect of eating food containing genes that were altered…

Big Drugmakers Think Small With Nanomedicine Deals
Reuters | 03 May 2013
Is nanomedicine the next big thing?

Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic
Organic Connections
The “con­ver­sion” of for­mer anti-GMO activist Mark Lynas to GMO pro­moter…

Facebook Boosts Organ Donor Registration
Medical News Today | 19 June 2013
Social media site ‘Facebook’ boosted the number of people who registered themselves as organ donors 21-fold…

Greening Up: South Florida’s Young Farmers
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Vimeo | March 2013

Secret Trade Agreements Threaten Food Safety, Subvert Democracy
Reader Supported News | 16 June 2013
If you think the U.S. government is doing a sub-par job of keeping your food safe…

Doctors Dump Health Insurance Plans, Charge Patients Less
Breitbart | 14 June 2013
A Kansas physician says he makes the same income and offers better quality care…

Generated Monsanto Obstruction
National Health Federation | 13 June 2013
The acronym GMO usually refers to Genetically Modified Organism…

New Studies Confirm: Raw Milk A Low-Risk Food
The Weston A. Price Foundation | 14 June 2013
Three quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) recently published…