Money & Markets – Week of 06.16.13

New Map Tracks Evolution of Entrepreneurship in Kansas City
Kauffman Foundation | 20 June 2013
A newly created map of Kansas City’s entrepreneurial community…

Guest Post: Fed’s Economic Projections – Myth Vs. Reality
Zero Hedge | 20 June 2013
Each quarter the Fed releases their assessment of the economy…

Ben Bernanke Is Wall Street’s Security Blanket
New York Magazine | 19 June 2013
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke used to be an economic policy maker…

Chrysler to Freeze Salaried Pension Plans
Detroit Free Press | 14 June 2013
Chrysler plans to freeze its pension plan for its U.S. salaried workers…

Fed Keeps Buying Bonds, But Sees Economic Risks Easing
Yahoo! Finance | 19 June 2013
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday said risks to the outlook for the U.S. economy and job market…

Bond Investors Head for the Hills
Yahoo! Finance | 19 June 2013
Signs of a stronger U.S. economy are rippling through the bond markets…

Did Bain and 9 Wall Street Firms Conspire to Slash Stock Prices of Companies They Raided?
The Washington Spectator | 03 May 2013
Private equity is poised to embark on a new era of leveraged buyouts…

World Economic Group Calls for Global Exchange of Tax Information to Fight Evasion
The Washington Post | 17 June 2013
A top world economic group has called for the creation of a global system…

3-D Printing Set to Be This Generation’s ‘Moon Shot’ Moment
CNBC | 18 June 2013
Wisconsin Precision Casting makes metal parts that go into larger objects…

Duke Grad Student Secretly Lived In a Van to Escape Loan Debt
Yahoo! Finance | 10 June 2013
By the time Ken Ilgunas was wrapping up his last year of undergraduate studies…

Gas Prices, Consumption, And Why The Average American Is Being Left Behind
Zero Hedge | 08 June 2013
The summer driving season is upon us…

The Virtual Economy: Potential, Perplexities and Promises United States Institute of Peace
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network | 13 June 2013
Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be joining you at this event…

Entitlement America And The High Cost Of “Free”
Zero Hedge | 16 June 2013
Almost three years ago we first highlighted the real math behind the surging entitlement class…

ECRI Recession Watch: New Update
Advisor Perspectives | 14 June 2013
The Weekly Leading Index (WLI) of the Economic Cycle Research Institute…

Detroit’s Creditors Are Asked to Accept Pennies on the Dollar
The New York Times | 14 June 2013
The emergency manager who was sent to reverse the fortunes of this financially troubled city…

GAO Blames Loan-Loss Rule for Small Bank Failures
Reuters | 13 June 2013
The failure of more than 400 community banks through the financial crisis…

IMF Urges Repeal of ‘Ill-Designed’ U.S. Fiscal Cuts
Reuters | 14 June 2013
The International Monetary Fund urged the United States on Friday…

What Abenomics Tells Us About the Great Bond Market Asset Bubble
The Telegraph | 10 June 2013
Japan is going for broke with Shinzo Abe’s “three arrows” plan…

How Will the Next Few Years be Characterized? Inflation, Deflation or Both?
Annual Symposium
Join us for an intellectual market discussion between two of the world’s most renowned veteran technicians…

Venezuela on the Brink of Hyperinflation
EconoMonitor | 14 June 2013
The Central Bank of Venezuela recently reported an inflation rate…