Top Picks ~ Week of July 17, 2006

Second High-Ranking Afro-American Official in Bush Administration Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances
Wayne Madsen Report (July 15/16, 2006)

See also the articles on the two recent Enron deaths from Top Picks ~ Week of July 10, 2006.

Future By Design
A William Gazecki Film
Imagine a world where war is outdated, there is no shortage of resources, and every human being enjoys a high standard of living.

Wild Oats Launches Nationwide Initiative to Promote Local Produce
By Lorraine Heller – (July 17, 2006)

The Meatrix ~ An Animation Produced by Sustainable Table
Problems with factory farming & how to find healthy food for your family

Ken Lay’s Alive!
By Greg Palast – Scoop Independent News (July 19, 2006)


In from a Solari Action Network member; two recommended links: