Spike Lee Wants YOU To Fund His Next Movie
Yahoo! Finance | 24 July 2013
There’s a new Spike Lee joint…
Dolphins Use Signature Whistles to Call Each Other by ‘Name’
Los Angeles Times | 22 July 2013
Flipper probably already had a name long before his human family named him…
India Declares Dolphins to be Non-Human Persons With Rights
The Drudge Report | 23 July 2013
India has officially recognized dolphins as non-human persons…
Comic-Con 2013 in a Nutshell: The 10 Biggest Bombshells
Wired | 22 July 2013
There was a lot of big news out of Comic-Con International…
The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” (pt. I)
The Vigilant Citizen | 08 July 2013
“Eyes Wide Shut” was promoted as a steamy, suspenseful movie…
The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” (pt. II)
The Vigilant Citizen | 18 July 2013
The second part of this series of articles on Eyes Wide Shut takes a closer look at the elite secret society…