By Catherine Austin Fitts
After WWII, a significant number of Nazi leaders – particularly scientists and intelligence
operatives – were recruited to the United States and integrated into U.S. universities, intelligence networks and business networks.
A great deal of time and money was spent on studying the Nazi experience. What were the lessons learned that could help the U.S. leadership amass power in the post war period?
One of the important lessons was information related to how to implement genocide in a manner that would enjoy popular support. In the meantime, the war in the Pacific theatre educated U.S. leadership on how to use drug running to finance armies and occupation. From these lessons learned emerged a powerful model to do leveraged buyouts of places using drugs and prisons.
Blame a people for criminal activity and it is relatively easy to round them up, throw them into for profit prisons that also create a financial prison for taxpayers and permit the Department of Justice to generate revenues marketing slave labor to the Department of Defense. (See my story, Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits)
At the root of this process is a far more crafty version of what Hitler did. As more and more information comes out about corruption in high places, the risks are increasing that more than a few people will connect the dots. This is not a policy that is misguided, or corrupt. This is a policy that is successful, it is working and it is intentional.
The system can not afford that realization. Not surprisingly, we see Attorney General Holder announcing proposals for the rollback of harsh sentences (are they really pushing behind the scenes to accomplish this? Maybe, maybe not.) Now The Economist is criticizing the US, saying that Holder did not go far enough. It all sounds so reasonable.
The brand is in jeopardy. I note my conversation with Marcin Jakubowski on the Solari Report several weeks before Holder announced the rollback.
Holder made the politically smart move to protect the real policies. But, as Marcin said, people are beginning to wake up. So let’s keep forcing the system to shift in humane directions if only to cover up the unspeakable and shift budget resources to essential funds.
C. Austin Fitts:
I got crosswise of the powers to be in Washington because what
was happening from my point of view, was using the financial
system to implement genocide and I don’t get a kick out of that.
Marcin Jakubowski:
And genocide in particular or are you talking in general?
C. Austin Fitts:
No, specifically genocide. The online book will explain this but
we had engineered a system to , as a matter of policy, bring drugs
into communities, then entrap kids, including kids not dealing
drugs, with SWAT teams –
Marcin Jakubowski:
You can actually trace that to policy?
C. Austin Fitts:
Marcin Jakubowski:
And are you telling me this is deliberate policy within well-
architected intents?
C. Austin Fitts:
Yes, and I can prove it. I wrote an online book to document and
prove it.
Marcin Jakubowski:
C. Austin Fitts:
And I can prove it.
Marcin Jakubowski:
That’s beautiful. To me, the truth cannot be hidden much more.
There’s too much transparency going on from all kinds of sources
right now that the matrix is vanishing. People are waking up. I am
so encouraged about the future of the world.
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