Money & Markets – Week of 09.08.13

“Trimming” Overseas Investments: J.P Morgan, and the Wider Implications
Giza Death Star | 11 September 2013
This article from the Wall Street Journal was sent to me by Ms. K…

Moody’s: U.S. Local Governments Have Little Control Over Pensions
Reuters | 09 September 2013
Many U.S. local governments have large pension liabilities…

Goldman Snubs Employees With Less Than $1 Million in Assets
The New York Post | 09 September 2013
Goldman Sachs has its own 1 percent…

Retirees Face Cuts in Pension Benefits
Kiplinger | 19 August 2013
As multiemployer pension plans try to deal with their financial struggles…

Sizing Up Porn’s Power to Crush the American Workforce
Businessweek | 06 September 2013
Buried in Friday morning’s rather dismal jobs report was a particularly strange bit of government data…

Under-Represented Women Drive Buyout Strategy for Fund
Bloomberg | 05 September 2013
Three Dutch women are raising their own private-equity fund with what they say is a unique strategy…

Who Cares About Syria? The Fed Is Buying Fewer Bonds!
The Wall Street Journal | 04 September 2013
Financial analysts might bleat about market nervousness over the likelihood of U.S. air strikes…

JPMorgan Chase to Stop Making Student Loans
USA Today | 05 September 2013
JPMorgan Chase is exiting the student loan business as more families opt for government-backed loans…