Money & Markets – Week of 11.15.09

Stocks Plunge as Treasury Three-Month Bill Yields Turn Negative (19 Nov 09)

Wells Fargo to Pay $1.4 Billion in Auction-Rate Securities Settlement (19 Nov 09)

Geithner Blames Collapse On Previous Admin Even As Tim Was President Of FRBNY Under Bush; Resignation Time
Zero Hedge (19 Nov 09)

Federal Law Limits Budget Trimming
Bangor Daily News (18 Nov 09)

California Faces A Projected Deficit Of $21 Billion
Los Angeles Times (18 Nov 09)

Société Générale Tells Clients How to Prepare For Potential ‘Global Collapse’ (18 Nov 09)

The Worst-Case Scenario
Zero Hedge (19 Nov 09)

PBGC Deficit Climbs to $22B in 2009
Journal of Accountancy (17 Nov 09)

ECB’s Trichet: Strong Dollar in Interests of Whole World
Reuters (17 Nov 09)

Lehman Sues Barclays for $5 Billion Plus Damages (Update2) (17 Nov 09)

Obama Prods China on Yuan, But Hu Silent
Reuters (17 Nov 09)

Core Deflation in The US Continues to Gather Pace (17 Nov 09)

Probe on US’ Rescue Plans for Auto Sector (17 Nov 09)

China to Hold Line on Rate of Yuan-US$ (17 Nov 09)

China Surpasses U.S. as Top Vehicle Market (16 Nov 09)

A Constitutional Case in a Box of Cash
The New York Times (16 Nov 09)

Rice to Return 100% as Typhoons, Drought Roil Asians (Update3) (16 Nov 09)

Is the Dollar “Good as Tungsten”?
FOFOA (15 Nov 09)

SEC Charges Promoters of “Green” Investments With Operating $30 Million Ponzi Scheme Based in Denver Area
U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission 2009

How to Ignore the Yes-Man in Your Head
The Wall Street Journal (13 Nov 09)

The Chinese Are ‘Changing Us’
The Washington Post (14 Nov 09)

Anatomy of Casino Capitalism
The Real News (15 Nov 09)

U.S. Loses Bear Fraud Case
The Wall Street Journal (11 Nov 09)

Investigating Iceland’s Financiers
Financial Times (13 Nov 09)

Wal-Mart Looks to Bolster Suppliers
The Wall Street Journal (14 Nov 09)

Japan Credit-Default Swaps Seen Unraveling on Aiful’s Bad Debts (12 Nov 09)

Goldman Sachs: Insurance Stocks Would Drop 36% By 2019 With House Public Option
FDL (13 Nov 09)

“Everything You Thought You Knew Is Wrong”
Truthout (11 Nov 09)`