Video: Insurance Companies Will Receive $5.5 Billion in Bailouts in 2015
Ben Swann | 18 March 2014
Insurance companies such as WellPoint and Humana will receive $5.5 billion in bailouts…
Russia Takes Over Ukraine’s Military Bases, Officers
USA Today | 19 March 2014
Ukraine’s government said Wednesday it will pull its troops from Crimea…
Moscow Signals Concern for Russians in Estonia
Reuters | 19 March 2014
Russia signaled concern on Wednesday at Estonia’s treatment of its large ethnic Russian minority…
Iran, Six Powers Lock Horns Over Nuclear Reactor That Could Yield Plutonium
Reuters | 19 March 2014
Iran and world powers locked horns on Wednesday over the future of a planned Iranian nuclear reactor…
Russian Lawmakers Ask President Obama to Impose Sanctions on Them All
RT | 18 March 2014
The State Duma has passed a motion suggesting that the US and EU extend the freshly introduced sanctions…
Several Sheriff’s Asked to Disarm at Oklahoma State Capitol
Tulsa’s Channel 8 | 14 March 2014
It’s a building of dignity and honor, but what happened at the state capitol recently has law enforcement crying shame…
Exclusive: Radar Data Suggests Missing Malaysia Plane Deliberately Flown Way Off Course – Sources
Reuters | 14 March 2014
Military radar data suggests a Malaysia Airlines jetliner missing for nearly a week was deliberately flown…
Congress Cites 9/11 Bush Cover-up, Demands Obama Act
Press TV | 18 December 2013
Two members of Congress, specially authorized to view documents on 9/11 censored…
Against Ukraine War? Obama May Seize Your Assets
Ron Paul Institute | 14 March 2014
Do you, like 56 percent of the US population, believe that the US should “not get too involved” in the Ukraine situation?
Right Sector Leader: Kiev Should be Ready to Sabotage Russian Pipelines in Ukraine
RT | 16 March 2014
The leader of ultranationalist group Right Sector, Dmitry Yarosh, has threatened to destroy Russian pipelines…
Crimea Will Formally Apply To Join Russia Tomorrow After 95.5% Support Referendum; US, UK, EU Reject Results
Zero Hedge | 16 March 2014
While earlier exit polls indicated strong support, the preliminary results are now being announced…
List Of Military Elite Purged: And Fired Under Obama
Rense | 17 March 2014
Seattleland: Sailors’ Fukushima Lawsuit Seeks $1 Billion for Healthcare
Seattle Weekly | 11 March 2014
It’s no great surprise that the Pentagon does not believe that its Marines and sailors…
The Obama Peace Plan Includes Permanently Dividing The City Of Jerusalem
The Truth Wins | 12 March 2014
Barack Obama’s “two state” peace plan would not just permanently divide…
Obama Threatens Vetoes of Bills Requiring Him to Follow the Law
Washington Examiner | 12 March 2014
President Obama is threatening to veto a law that would allow Congress to sue him in federal courts…
Freescale Loss in Malaysia Tragedy Leads to Travel Policy Questions
Reuters | 10 March 2014
The loss of 20 key Freescale Semiconductor employees in the disappearance of a Malaysian airliner…
Drug Cartel’s Main Source Of Income Isn’t What You Might Think
Huffington Post | 17 March 2014
Forget crystal meth. The pseudo-religious Knights Templar drug cartel in western Mexico has diversified…
Fighting Pollution, Paris Imposes Partial Driving Ban
The New York Times | 17 March 2014
With air pollution in and around Paris still unusually high…
The Forgotten Coup – How the Godfather Rules from Canberra to Kiev
Information Clearinghouse | 17 March 2014
Washington’s role in the fascist putsch against an elected government in Ukraine…
Russia Vetoes US-Sponsored UN Resolution Declaring Crimea Vote Invalid
RT | 15 March 2014
Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council’s resolution declaring the upcoming referendum on the future status of autonomous republic of Crimea…
Britain Is Treating Journalists as Terrorists – Believe Me, I Know
Information Clearinghouse | 14 March 2014
My links to WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden mean I am treated as a threat and can’t return to the UK. We need a free speech roadmap…