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The Solari Report 2014-05-08
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Theme “Let Us Pray”
Money & Markets In Money and Markets, Catherine discusses the U.S. economy going through a contraction. She also discusses the geopolitics and events occurring in the current Ukraine standoff.
Hero Our heroes for this week are Mayor Adam Sanchez and Jennifer Bartley.
Ask Catherine Catherine answers questions submitted by subscribers.
Question 1:
Dear Catherine,
Please could you comment on the linked article.
Question 2:
Dear Catherine:
Here are two questions that I have for you:
For years economies around the world seemed to perfectly be following what had been predicted by the Peak Oil theorists, as the price of energy continued rising. But now we’re not seeing the same accelerated movement towards the dire economic consequences that had really been predicted from Peak Oil. With this in mind, how much of what’s been told to us by the Peak Oil experts was legitimate, and how much was myth? In addition, do you think the powers that be may have created and endorsed the Peak Oil movement from behind the scenes, and if so what do you believe their motivation was in doing this?
Alex Jones seems to be very well funded. Have you ever had concerns that he may covertly be working for the powers that be?
Question 3:
Hi Catherine,
Have you ever heard of the “Expanding Earth Theory-W/A Plasma Core”??
To make a long story short, Cliff High makes a compelling argument that the earth has a “plasma core” (NOT molten metal) and is expanding (the
earth is growing!).
As the earth “grows” it creates more land and replenishes the minerals within the land as it grows! A product of the plasma reaction within its core. The late Bob Chapman noted that when the Russians drilled down to ~45K feet and discovered oil – they also discovered that the earth replenishes the old oil reserves if given time and the reservoirs aren’t damaged in anyway. (Give the earth time to heal.)
If this is correct – “Peak Anything” is a bunch of bunk??
Have you any knowledge of this theory??
Question #4:
Hello Catherine
General observatiuons here…you Richard and Joseph make my mind and imagination run pretty fast.
WHY do we have to be seeing affects of 17 quadrillion in derivatives (100?s x world outputs?)
You once said there was more derivatives then the value of all goods and services we had capacity to produce the way we were operating. I wonder how much of the derivative pile just gets canceled (just as we cancel third world debts ?) What kind of valuations just expire as Options and Futures contracts expire only to be renewed.
You seem to be suggesting there are VALUATIONS of something that is real (spaceships?) that allow these shadow groups to go on transacting? After all they still have to reduce their actions and trading back to the market as it exists. IS IT EVEN TRANSACTING?
Could it not be in a filing cabinet somewhere canceled asdo expiring derivatives or airline miles. They create new anyway.
Really appreciated the “load’ analogy from your guest. Had thought of physics and spirit but not physics and money.
Catherine as a Coast to Coast “Great” or “Classic” guest you have raised the bar substantially on George Noory by bringing such guest interviews as you do to light.
I was once FASCINATED by the NET NET Debt cancel graphics on the blog some time back as well as the upside down triangle of derivatives. It would be great to find a graphic that depicts the financial exchange and valuations you are describing. It seems from the language of the market traders there must be whole off book market exchanges in existence.
I suppose I am asking for graphics of market trading we do not see reported or financial banking type entities that exist but are not seen on the street corners or in the advertising when we go though life.
Catherine you are a long way from your original Coast to Coast comment on reading twenty books and not making heads or tails of the Space Aliens story :>> Forgive me the old time advertising rings in my head.. “You’ve Come A Long Way (Baby)”
Let’s Go to the Movies! This week for Let’s Go to the Movies, Catherine reviews Warren Buffett Revealed: Bloomberg Game Changers. A film by Bloomberg about Warrant Buffet’s history and current direction.
May 15: The Secret Space Program with Henrik Palmgren
May 22: Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales
May 29: Music, Writing, and the Creative Process with Peter Guralnick
View the Charts
“The days of following only one market are long gone. Market analysts need to know what is happening in all of the financial markets and must understand the impact of trends in related markets all over the globe.” ~ John Murphy
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, I will be speaking with Chuck Gibson – managing member of Financial Perspectives and my partner at Sea Lane Advisory, LLC. First, we will review events and performance in the global equity markets for the first quarter. Then, Chuck has prepared an excellent presentation on intermarket analysis. Rich with analytics and charts, this will provide an introduction to the analysis of relationships between financial markets, including equities, bonds, commodities and money markets (interest rates).
In the Money & Markets segment, join me for a round up of current events and geopolitics.
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I will review Warren Buffett Revealed: Bloomberg Game Changers
Talk to you Thursday!