A Foldable Bike Helmet You’ll Just Happen To Have In Your Bag
NPR | 07 May 2014
In our “Weekly Innovation” blog series, we explore an interesting idea…
Are We Ready for Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
Sinc | 05 May 2014
The SETI project scientists are known for tracking possible extraterrestrial signals…
Brain Implant Could Restore Memories in Wounded Soldiers and Alzheimer’s Sufferers – But is it Ethical?
The Daily Mail | 01 May 2014
Aside from the physical impacts brain damage has on the body, the loss of memory can be as devastating and restrictive…
NASA Tests Growing Lettuce in Space
Telegraph | 07 May 2014
Scientists believe they may have found a solution to how to grow vegetables in space…
USPTO Issues World’s First Invisibility Cloak Patent
IP Watchdog | 07 September 2012
Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc. announced that they have recently been awarded the first patent on an invisibility cloak by the United States Patent and Trademark Office…
NASA Future Strategic Issues & Warfare Circa 2025 – Dr Dennis M Bushnell
Cassiopaea | 27 June 2013
Below I’m pasting in text for a doc that appears to be a part of a presentation by a Dr Dennis M. Bushnell…
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare
Flipping the Switch
Harvard Gazette | 22 April 2014
Physicists design quantum triggers that can be activated by a photon…