Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part II – UPDATE

By Nines

Much later that same day.  OMG!  The meeting started at two, and they served pizza and tequila out of gallon jugs.  Very shortly we were all so sloshed we forgot our code words and had to start all over again.  Oh, wait, no, it was pizza and salad and soda pop — so I had salad and water — and it was all logistics and hardly any gossip.

I’m wearing one of those silly-chic rubberband-like things they give the in crowd at events like this.  I’m embarrassed to state I am rather unzenly pleased with it anyway.  Plus, now I have, literally, my meal tickets, and the desk clerk knows the wake up calls have to come with marching bands and gymnasts.  So we’re pretty much cleared for takeoff now, ‘cept if the band gets held up.

Afterward, Catherine and I went and found a Starbucks, but the tables were all full and so we came back to the motor court with our coffees and had a long powwow with an assortment of kooky geniuses at the pool.  An ashtray was involved and, what a star, she didn’t seem to mind at all.  Somebody did, however, forget the VIP sign and so we were mistaken for an ordinary table full of smoke-tolerant gadflies.

Perfect cover for our conspiracy.

You know, of course you do, that Dr. Farrell is a Dr. Pepper man. Well, I must inform you he has been understating it all this time. He has a keg of it strapped to his back and a feeder tube curls lovingly around his neck and into the corner of his mouth. This is a serious Dr. Pepper man.

And !!! today Jon Rappoport gave me the inspiration for fixing the bodhisattva vow.  I have been casting around the vastness of inner space for this fix for some decades, and, bababing, it popped right into my brain as he was gesticulating down the table a piece.
Bodhisattvas vow to save all sentient beings.  This is problematic because wusses take this to mean bodhisattvas must be unfailingly meek and sweet, even to the biggest monsters and meanest psychopaths.  That’s only for beginners.  But I think I have fixed it now, and all because of his colorful speech and his hand swishing through the air.

I vow to save all sentient beings, but not tolerate their evil.

I may change this to “not take their evil sitting down” or try to make the whole thing more poetic, but I think I have the gist now.  And it’s all from being around all these OUTSTANDING people whose heartminds are as big as eternity.  And I’m not being hyperbolic. I’m telling it straight.

Wish you were here.

Related Reading:
Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part VI: All on Maybe Three Hours’ Sleep

Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part V: All on Maybe Three Hours’ Sleep

Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part IV: Interlude

Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part III: Paint it Black

Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part II – Report from the Motor Court

Fear & Loathing in Silicon Valley, Part I: Dear Solarian Hordes

The Nines