Musings on No One, Nobody and Somebody

“I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment.”
~ Malcolm X

By Catherine Austin Fitts

“Why did NO ONE do anything?” This is a chorus I hear on occasion. It particularly amuses me when it relates to the housing and mortgage market, as shenanigans in those markets is something I know a bit about.

“Why did NO ONE warn me about what was happening in the housing market.”? I then point out that lots of people did issue warnings about what was happening, including the former Assistant Secretary of Housing and lead financial advisor to the Federal Housing Agency, aka, myself.

That is when it turns out that when I was in a high level Wall Street or Washington position, I was SOMEBODY. However, once I started to warn people, the establishment insisted I was no longer credible, consequently that made me NOBODY in the eyes of the person wanting to know “Why did no one warn me?”

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It turns out the only people who are SOMEBODY are people who enjoy the current support of the established order.

Consequently, if doing or saying anything that puts one crosswise of the established order makes you a NOBODY and the warnings of a NOBODY fall on deaf ears, it is quite a pickle to seeing your way to doing something effective to help your fellow man.

Essentially, we have a large part of the population that only attribute credibility to the people managing and manipulating them, sometimes contradictory to their best interests.

Which raises the question of how a person enthralled with the establishment can identify and navigate what is in their own best interest since it is clear that the established order may not always be acting in their best interest.

It is quite a pickle for them.

How do you break out of a trance in which you only trust and follow the people chosen by the people trying to kill you?

How is that supposed to work?

The one thing, however, I am quite confident of is that one of the few winning strategies that they have to ingratiate themselves with the established order is to affirm that the people who risked life and limb to warn them are really NOBODY.

You can always get a few points by selling out the folks who are trying to tell the truth.

Which is why when someone asks you the question “Why is no one doing anything?” you might want to ask them what they are planning on doing, since they are SOMEBODY.

You never know. They might find the possibility of being SOMEBODY an intriguing thought.