Top Picks ~ Week of March 10, 2008

Money & Markets

US Home Defaults, Foreclosures Rise 60% in February
By Alan Mirabella & Sharon Lynch – (14 Mar 2008)

Dollar’s Clout Sinks Worldwide
By Alan Clendenning – Associated Press (13 Mar 2008)

Abolish The Fed
By Jim Rogers – (12 Mar 2008)

HUD E-Mails Refer to Retaliation
By Carol D. Leoning – Washington Post (12 Mar 2008)

Dollar Plunge Sets Off Global Alarm Bells
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (14 Mar 2008)

Fed Bails Out Bear Stearns As Stocks Plunge
By Martin Crutsinger – Associated Press (14 Mar 2008)

Bear Stearns: The Drexel Burnham Lambert Precedent
Posted by Heidi Moore – Wall Street Journal (14 Mar 2008)

Goldman Expects ‘Explosive’ Commodities, Oil Rising to $175
By Claudia Carpenter & Alexander Kwiatkowski – (14 Mar 2008)

US Treasuries Riskier Than German Debt, Default Swaps Say
By Abigail Moses – Bloomberg News (11 Mar 2008)

Market Panic After Bear Stearns Reports
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (11 Mar 2008)

~ Updates on the Eliot Spitzer Story

The Spitzer Story – Something Doesn’t Add Up
By leevank – Daily Kos (11 Mar 2008)

Some Questions About the Spitzer Incident
By Jane Hamsher – (10 Mar 2008)
~ View previous blog posts on this issue: (1)

Sovereign Funds Soon May Surpass Official Foreign Reserves
By Vivianne Rodrigues – Reuters (11 Mar 2008)

Emergency Interest Rate Cut Possible, Goldman Sachs Says
By Richard Leong – Reuters (10 Mar 2008)

Blighted Kingdom? How Tax Changes are Spurring Non-Doms to Vote With Their Feet [Must subscribe to view full article.]
By Vanessa Houlder – Financial Times (9 Mar 2008)

~ Updates on Clear Channel

Clear Channel Buyer Notifies Investors Of Pending Draw Down
By Shira Ovide – Dow Jones Newswires (6 Mar 2008)

Morgan, Credit Suisse Break Ranks on Clear Channel
By Pierre Paulden – (12 Mar 2008)

~ View previous blog posts on this issue: (1) (2) (3)

Carlyle Group May Buy Major CIA Contractor: Booz Allen Hamilton
By Tim Shorrock – (8 Mar 2008)

Fed Joins Three Other Central Banks with $200 Billion More in Lending
By The Associated Press (11 Mar 2008)

TVA Board Approves 7% Rate Increase Effective April 1
Press Release from the Tennessee Valley Authority (15 Feb 208)

Fannie Mae Shares Fall on Bailout Report
By MarketWatch (10 Mar 2008)

Diebold filed a disclosure document with the SEC on March 3, describing the resolution of an ongoing SEC investigation and the potential restatement of earnings.
xxx ~ See Catherine’s earlier blog post: Did Someone Just Buy All The Votes in Texas & Ohio?

NAFTA, Immigrants and the Discussion That is Not Happening
By Bill Fletcher, Jr. – The Black Commentator

Swiss Bank Drops Lawsuit Against Wikileaks
The Associated Press (6 Mar 2008)

Interest Rate Rift Resembles One That Led to 1987 Market Crash
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (8 Mar 2008)

Wall Street Banks Face ‘Systemic Margin Call,’ Morgan Warns
By Walden Siew – Reuters (8 Mar 2008)

SEC Steps Up Probe of BofA
By Dan Caterinicchia – The Charlotte Observer (6 Mar 2008)

The ‘Fortunate 400’
Host Tom Ashbrook – (7 Mar 2008)
xxx~ The Fortunate 400 pdf document

China’s Investment Fund Pushes Back [Must subscribe to view full article.]
Wall Street Journal (7 Mar 2008)

The Sovereign Wealth Funds Dilemma
By Mairi Mackay – (7 Mar 2008)

China Approves Market Investment by Norway Oil Fund
By Lu Jianxin & Eadie Chen – Yahoo, Malaysia (8 Mar 2008)

Illinois AG Subpoenas Countrywide, Wells Fargo
Canadian Business Online (6 Mar 2008)

Federal Reserve Gives Emergency Help to Wall Street Banks
By Larry Elliott – (7 Mar 2008)

Whistle While You Work ~ From government to big business, if you have a dirty secret, Wikileaks is your nightmare.
By David Leigh & Jonathan Franklin – The Guardian (23 Feb 2008)


Precious Metals

Korea Resources to Lead $6 Billion Metal Investments
By Sungwoo Park – (13 Mar 2008)

At Least There’s Something In Ethiopia’s Gold Vault
By Elizabeth Blunt – British Broadcasting Corp. (13 Mar 2008)


Mortgage Market

Fed Begins Monetizing Everybody’s Busted Mortgages
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (13 Mar 2008)

A Single "Toxic" CDO, A Multitude of Subprime Lawsuits
By Kevin LaCroix – The D&O Diary (9 Mar 2008)

Food & Health

Frances Moore Lapp&#233’s World Hunger: Twelve Myths
By Richard Moore – Richard Moore’s Blog ( 13 Mar 2008)

One Woman’s Astonishing Experiment With Aspartame
By Victoria Inness-Brown – (Mar 2008)

The NutraPoison ~ By Alex Constantine

AP Probe Finds Drugs in Drinking Water
By Jeff Donn, et al – Associated Press (9 Mar 2008)

Surging Costs of Groceries Hit Home
By Robert Gavin – (9 Mar 2008)

Michael Pollan: Don’t Eat Anything That Doesn’t Rot
By Amy Goodman – Democracy Now! (8 Mar 2008)

Entangled Minds – "Effects of Intentionally Enhanced Chocolate on Mood"
By Dean Radin (23 Mar 2007)



Photo thanks to National Geographic

Consumer Alert: Toxic Chemicals to be Sprayed Over San Francisco
By Rami Nagel – (3 Mar 2008)

Fertility Falls, Population Rises, Future Uncertain
By Robert Engelman – WorldWatch (Mar 2008)

Climate of 2007 – Annual Report
From the NOAA Satellite & Information Service (15 Jan 2008)

The Invite – “Altenberg 16” Evolution Summit
By Suzan Mazur – Scoop Independent News (9 Mar 2008)

Announcement: Immense Possibilities Radio (IPR) comes into the world this Tuesday. Look for IPR shows at



Prevention of Superstore Sprawl and Small Town Decline
By David Bollier – (1998)

Oklahoma High Court To Cut Off Online Access to Court Records
By The Associated Press (13 Mar 2008)

US Commander Quits ‘Over Iran’
At (12 Mar 2008)

Plumbing the Depths – How the Gears Turn
By Fred – (9 Mar 2008)

Clinton-Papers Release Blocked
By Peter Eisler – USA Today (7 Mar 2008)

Starbucks/Walmart Update – A statistical study at Columbia University’s
Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference & Social Science Dept.

On the Take And Loving It ~ World Telecommunications Traffic Flows

At WikiLeaks (7 Oct 2007)

Obama Wows Casper; Clinton Next
By David Olinger – Denver Post (7 Mar 2008)

Wave-Power Proposals Alarm Locals
By Frank Hartzell – Christian Science Monitor (4 Mar 2008)

Homeschoolers’ Setback Sends Shock Waves Through State
By Bob Egelko, et al – San Francisco Chronicle (7 Mar 2008)

Air Force Cyber Command’s New Weapon: DMCA Notices
By Kevin Poulsen – (7 Mar 2008)

Exclusive Capitulation Report: House Democratic Leadership Circulates FISA Bill
By Glenn Grenwald – (7 Mar 2008)

Washington Seeks Power to Ban Air Travelers – Even if They Are Only Flying Over the U.S.
News & Current Affairs – (9 Mar 2008)

Half of New Orlean’s Poor Permanently Displaced
By Bill Quigley – Scoop Independent News (8 Mar 2008)


Take Action

The Wire’s War on the Drug War
By Ed Burns, et al – Time (5 Mar 2008)