Top Picks ~ Week of August 21, 2006

Federal Appeals Court: Driving With Money is a Crime
Source: US v $124,700 (US Court of Appeals, 8th Cir (Aug 19, 2006)

Wi-Fi Cloud Covers Rural Oregon
Associated Press (Oct 16, 2005)

Major Arms Soar to Twice Pre-9/11 Cost
By Bryan Bender – The Boston Globe (Aug 19, 2006)

New Zogby Poll on Electronic Voting Attitudes
By Michael Collins ~ Scoop Independent News (Aug 21, 2006)

Fees for Our Friends: the Scandal that Taints Andrew Cuomo
By Lucy Komisar – The Komisar Scoop (Aug 22, 2006)

Latin America Deconstructs The Tapeworm: Lessons From Financially-Drained Americans
By Carolyn Baker – From the Wilderness (Aug 2006) Subscription Only