Money & Markets – Week of 4.18.10

Mayor Bloomberg’s Offshore Millions
New York Observer (20 Apr 10)

GOP Ramps Up Attacks on SEC Over Porn Surfing
DailyFinance (23 Apr 10)

Senators Close to a Deal on Financial Regulation Bill
Washington Post (22 Apr 10)

Obama to Take Aim at ‘Risky Decisions’ That Sparked Crisis (22 Apr 10)

So Fellas, Do We Have Deflation?
Zero Hedge (3 Oct 09)

Less Debt, More Charm
The Economist (18 Apr 10)

Goldman SEC Litigation: The End of OTC? Alan Boyce on the Duration of Fed Open Market Operations
The Institutional Risk Analyst (19 APr 10)

China’s Rules to Curb Property ‘Madness’ Will Take Effect Now (17 Apr 10)

JPMorgan Execs Sell $4 Million in Shares
Barron’s (16 Apr 10)

SEC Proposes Large Trade Reporting System
SEC Press Release (14 Apr 10)

The Coming Carnage in the California Wine Industry (15 Apr 10)

Morgan Stanley: 10-Year Treasury Yield Will HitPercent 5.5 This Year (21 Apr 10)

IMF Proposes Two Taxes For World’s Banks
Guardian UK (21 Apr 10)

New York Fed Files “Audited” 2009 Results, Deloitte “Signs Off”
Zero Hedge (21 Apr 10)

Paulson To Buy About 13 Percent Stake In American Capital
Reuters (19 April 10)

Goldman SEC Litigation: The End of OTC?; Alan Boyce on The Duration of Fed Open Market Operations
The Institutional Risk Analytics (19 April 10)

China’s Rules to Curb Property ‘Madness’ Will Take Effect Now (17 April 10)

GE: 7,000 Tax Returns, $0 U.S. Tax Bill (16 April 10)

JPMorgan Execs Sell $4 Million in Shares
Barron’s (16 April 10)

Saint-Etienne Swaps Explode as Financial Weapons Ambush Europe (15 April 10)

What Do We Get For Our US Tax Dollars? (15 April 10)

SEC Proposes Large Trader Reporting System (14 April 10)

Less Debt, More Charm
The Economist (18 March 10)

Crocodile Tears on Wall Street
Truthout (19 April 10)

In Defense of Goldman
The Daily Bell (17 April 10)

Obama To Veto Bill Without Derivatives Curbs (16 April 10)

Jobless Suffer as Corporate Cash Hits $1.18 Trillion
BusinessWeek (11 Feb 10)