Top Picks ~ Week of October 23, 2006

How to Avoid Debt Slavery
From Life After the Oil Crash

America and the Dollar Illusion
By Gabor Steingart – Der Spiegel (Oct 25, 2006)

Is There a Relationship?
Caterpillar Boycott / Cat Charged with War Crimes in Lawsuit in US Federal Court
Caterpillar Routs Stocks / By Tim Pardis – AP Business Writer (Oct 20, 2006)

Will Defeat in Iraq Herald a Repeat of Post-Economic Ills?
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – (oct 25, 2006)

Treasury’s Paulson Plays With The Plunge Protectors
By John Crudele – New York Post (Oct 26, 2006)

FDA Moves Towards Cloned Meat, Milk
By Lorraine Heller – (Oct 23, 2006)

Welcome to Co-op Power
A consumer-owned energy cooperative

Proposing Plan C: Report on the Third US Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions
By Megan Quinn – Outreach Director, Community Solution

GAO Chief Warns Economic Disaster Looms
By Matt Crenson – AP National Writer  (Oct 28, 2006)