
Why Shouldn’t We Be Bitter?
By Michael Winship – (16 Apr 2008)

Bridgette Bardot on Trial for Muslim Slur
By Thierry Leveque – Reuters (15 Apr 2008)

Cheney, Others OK’d Harsh Interrogations
By Lara Jakes Jordan & Pamela Hess – Associated Press (10 Apr 2008)

Top Bush Advisors Approved ‘Enhanced Interrogation’
By Jan Crawford Greenburg, et al – ABC News (9 Apr 2008)

Documents Link Rumsfeld to Prisoner’s Interrogation
By Charlie Savage – Boston Globe (15 Apr 2008)

Fuel for Thought: EDF Bid Speculation Puts New Accent on UK Nuclear Debate
By Paul Whitehead – Platts Renewal Energy Report (15 Apr 208)

Administration Set to Use New Spy Program in US
By Spencer S. Hsu – Washington Post (12 Apr 2008)

Global Warming Rage Lets Global Hunger Grow
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (15 Apr 2008)

The Second Rail Revolution
The Independent – Graphic

Journalists as Truth-Tellers
By Bill Moyers – The Nation (7 Apr 2008)

North Dakota Oil Estimate Skyrockets
United Press International (11 Apr 2008)

How Long Before We’re All Forced to Be Microchipped?
WXP News (15 Apr 2008)