Top Picks ~ Week of October 30, 2006

Global Cash Glut Fuels Investment Frenzy, Pushing Up Rates
By John Fraher & Simon Kennedy – Bloomberg (Oct 30, 2006)

Hawai Court Restrains Health Dept. TB Skin-Testing: Student Wins Religious Freedom and School Access
Press Release – Tetrahedron Press (Oct 5, 2006)

We’re All Prisoners, Now
By Mark Nestmann, Preserving Your Privacy and More (Oct 26, 2006)

Morales’ Gas Nationalization Complete
By Dan Keane – AP Press (Oct 29, 2006)

Civic-Minded Millenials Prepared to Reward or Punish Companies Based on Commitment to Social Causes
Press Release from Cone, Inc. (Oct 24, 2006)

Bush Moves Toward Martial Law – 2007 Defense Authorization Act Guts Posse Comitatus
By Frank Morales – (Nov 3, 2006)

Former World Bank Chief Economist Predicts Global Crash
By Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones – (Oct 30, 2006)